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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Campus Arrival and Dismissal Information

Transporation Information

After School Care


  • 7:20 AM - Drop off begins and doors open:

The only drop off areas are in the front of the school (K-2nd) and the playground side lot (3rd-5th). Please do not drop off your child from Trophy Drive. This area is not set up for drop off and has no staff supervision. If you choose to walk your children across streets, please use designated crosswalks. The police have been ticketing cars parked along the fire lanes. It is also very important that no children are dropped off outside prior to 7:20 as a matter of safety. Thank you for your help keeping all students safe.

  • 7:40 AM - Tardy bell rings & day starts
  • 3:00 PM - Dismissal bell rings & day ends:

Car riders: K-2nd (and older siblings) are picked up at the front of school. You will receive a car tag when school starts. Please use car tag. 3rd-5th students are loaded in the lanes by the playground. 5th only are in the left lane and 3rd-4th are in the right lane closest to the fence.

Bike riders: Bike riders may park on Trophy Drive side of campus and will exit with Escorted or Unescorted Walkers and Bike Riders (depending on grade).

Unescorted walkers and bike riders (3rd-5th): A teacher takes students to middle back doors dismissing from classrooms at 3:00. Siblings meet there and exit. They walk on sidewalk and use marked crossing. Unescorted bicycle riders walk their bikes off campus and through the marked street crossing. 

Escorted walkers and bike riders (K-2nd): Teachers take students to exit at the end of building near teacher parking lot on Trophy Drive side. Teacher verifies adults picking up students. Siblings meet and exit together. No cars may park in teacher lot. Please do not park along Trophy Drive. This option is only for walkers/bike riders.