Common Questions
Q: What time does school start and end?
A. Serene Hills Elementary opens at 7:20am for student drop off. School begins at 7:40 am. School dismisses at 3:00 pm. No students may be dropped off prior to 7:20 AM.
Q: What time is my child's lunch?
A: Your child's teacher will share their assigned lunch time.
Q: Can I change my child's transportation?
A: Yes, before 1:45 pm. Serene Hills Elementary uses School Dismissal Manager as our transportation database. Each teacher will get a report at 2:00 each day letting them know how each of their students will be going home. We must go by what is in the dismissal manager system so please make sure that all updates are made prior to 1:45. If you call with a change after 2:00 we cannot guarantee that the message will get to your student.
Q: When should I keep my child home from school?
A: Please keep children home if ANY of the these symptoms are present: temperature 100.4 or above, vomiting, diarrhea, red or draining eyes, undiagnosed rash, severe sore throat, cough or headache. Children must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication, like Tylenol or Motrin, before they can return to school.
Q: What do I do when my child is absent from school? What do I do if my child has a medical appointment?
A: Attendance is taken each day at 10:00 am. If your child leaves campus before, or comes in after, 10:00 am they are considered absent for the day. Mark that the child is absent in School Dismissal Mangaer. Do not call in to report an absence. Please send in a health care provider's note upon returning to school.
If your child has a medical appointment during the school day and attends school before or after the appointment, a note from the health care provider must be submitted when the student returns to school. This ensures the student can be counted as present for the day of the appointment.
Regular school attendance is essential for a student to make the most of his/her education. Students and parents should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences.
Q: What is extended care? How do I register?
A: Extended Care is an after school child care service provided at all Lake Travis ISD elementary campuses for children enrolled in Pre-K through 5th grade. Certified teachers, teacher assistants and monitors supervise the children at all times. Extended Care is in session each school day, offering child care from 2:45-6:00pm. Please go to the extended care website or you can also contact our Extended Care Director, Helen Dawkins, at 533-6459 if you have any questions.
Q: As a parent how do I get involved at Serene Hills?
A: Serene Hills has a wonderful PTO! We are always looking for parents that want to get involved and help our school be the very best it can be! Please visit our PTO website.